Welcome To Wild Roots Geneva Blog
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Wild Roots is a small, humble, family business. Like many today, we face lots of daily challenges. However, the challenges most of us face pale in comparison to those that are being faced by our brethren in the Northeast. Hurricane Sandy devastated their homes and property and has severely disrupted their lives. Some have lost everything and many require help getting their lives started again.
In the spirit of community, in the spirit of assisting our neighbors, in the true hippie spirit and despite each of our everyday struggles......we have been moved by all of the photos and stories posted of this devastation and feel compelled to help in some way.
In that spirit we will donate $2 to the American Red Cross from every bag and purse we sell on line from now until the end of December. They have been on the scene since the start and Red Cross resources will be exceedingly strained from helping our neighbors. To encourage you to help us help them......we will also offer you a 10% discount on our bags thru that same period. Simply use promo code "sandy60134" for your discount and we'll do the rest.
Whether you're buying for yourself or are looking for a unique holiday gift.....please assist us in giving a hand up to those neighbors who need us. Please share this with your friends and let's give all we can!!!!!!
Thank you & namaste
by: Wild Roots Geneva 31 Comments
In the spirit of community, in the spirit of assisting our neighbors, in the true hippie spirit and despite each of our everyday struggles......we have been moved by all of the photos and stories posted of this devastation and feel compelled to help in some way.
In that spirit we will donate $2 to the American Red Cross from every bag and purse we sell on line from now until the end of December. They have been on the scene since the start and Red Cross resources will be exceedingly strained from helping our neighbors. To encourage you to help us help them......we will also offer you a 10% discount on our bags thru that same period. Simply use promo code "sandy60134" for your discount and we'll do the rest.
Whether you're buying for yourself or are looking for a unique holiday gift.....please assist us in giving a hand up to those neighbors who need us. Please share this with your friends and let's give all we can!!!!!!
Thank you & namaste
by: Wild Roots Geneva 31 Comments

Sunday, April 22, 2012
I am old enough to have been born in a time when there were 1.5 billion humans on planet Earth. There are about 7 billion of us dotting the planet today. Each of us eats, drinks, wears clothing, hopefully bathes occasionally, travels to and fro and generally consumes the Earth's resources. That's a pretty hefty increase in consumption just in my lifetime and just by population increase.
Few of us want to go back to living in caves. None of us can stop eating or drinking water. Most of us need to leave our dwellings and run the errands of our daily lives. However, if each of the 7 billion of us take one small step towards treating the only known habitable planet we know of in a more respectful manner. If each of us raises our Earth friendly conciousness just one notch......that's 7 billion steps towards making Mother Earth a less toxic place to reside. Seven billion collective steps is over 6 trips to the moon and back. That's a long long way toward sustainability and survivability for all of us.
We don't have to all live like monks or live a hippie lifestyle. There are simple sensable things each of us can and should do to show Mother Earth the repect she deserves:
-Combine those driving errands to expend less fossil fuel and reduce our carbon footprint. Walk for those shorter errands.
-Reuse when possible then recycle
-Don't run the water needlessly (grass is really pretty hardy and will withstand a little draught)
-Buy locally produced products when we can....it reduces fossil fuels used.
-Turn off lights when we leave a room
-Consider organic materials in products and food we purchase (Hemp is a prime example) to reduce the release of chemical ferilizers and pesticides into the environment.
-Let in the sunshine on cold sunny days. The sun heats amazingly well.
-Wear a sweater.....turn down the termostat in winter. Sweat just a little....turn down the air conditioner in the summer.
-Consider MPG's in a vehicle purchase as much as we consider slick styling.
There's thousands more little steps we can take. Some that are easy, painless and reatively unthought of.
Share some with us. We want to take more little steps!!!!
by: Wild Roots Geneva 16 Comments
Few of us want to go back to living in caves. None of us can stop eating or drinking water. Most of us need to leave our dwellings and run the errands of our daily lives. However, if each of the 7 billion of us take one small step towards treating the only known habitable planet we know of in a more respectful manner. If each of us raises our Earth friendly conciousness just one notch......that's 7 billion steps towards making Mother Earth a less toxic place to reside. Seven billion collective steps is over 6 trips to the moon and back. That's a long long way toward sustainability and survivability for all of us.
We don't have to all live like monks or live a hippie lifestyle. There are simple sensable things each of us can and should do to show Mother Earth the repect she deserves:
-Combine those driving errands to expend less fossil fuel and reduce our carbon footprint. Walk for those shorter errands.
-Reuse when possible then recycle
-Don't run the water needlessly (grass is really pretty hardy and will withstand a little draught)
-Buy locally produced products when we can....it reduces fossil fuels used.
-Turn off lights when we leave a room
-Consider organic materials in products and food we purchase (Hemp is a prime example) to reduce the release of chemical ferilizers and pesticides into the environment.
-Let in the sunshine on cold sunny days. The sun heats amazingly well.
-Wear a sweater.....turn down the termostat in winter. Sweat just a little....turn down the air conditioner in the summer.
-Consider MPG's in a vehicle purchase as much as we consider slick styling.
There's thousands more little steps we can take. Some that are easy, painless and reatively unthought of.
Share some with us. We want to take more little steps!!!!
by: Wild Roots Geneva 16 Comments

Monday, March 19, 2012
Anyone taking the time to gaze at the recent night sky has been (and will be) treated to a pretty amazing display. In Chicago the combination of warm weather, clear skies and the position of the planets has made for spectacular views.
In the early evening Geneva sky, Venus and Jupiter are shining very brightly toward the west with Venus as bright as I have ever remembered witnessing her. So intense that she is blocking the star field around her for some distance. Turn 180 degrees to the east look a little higher and Mars is easily seen blazing bright red. Wait just a while and Saturn will rise from the east as Venus and Jupiter sets in the west. On or about the 25th of March a sliver of a crescent moon will join the dance with Venus and Jupiter in a pretty awesome display.
So take a few minutes if you can. Take a look and Let It Shine. We think you'll enjoy it.
by: Wild Roots Geneva 14 Comments
In the early evening Geneva sky, Venus and Jupiter are shining very brightly toward the west with Venus as bright as I have ever remembered witnessing her. So intense that she is blocking the star field around her for some distance. Turn 180 degrees to the east look a little higher and Mars is easily seen blazing bright red. Wait just a while and Saturn will rise from the east as Venus and Jupiter sets in the west. On or about the 25th of March a sliver of a crescent moon will join the dance with Venus and Jupiter in a pretty awesome display.
So take a few minutes if you can. Take a look and Let It Shine. We think you'll enjoy it.
by: Wild Roots Geneva 14 Comments

Friday, March 9, 2012
Weather is gradually getting warmer. Days are slowly getting longer. Up here in the Midwest we go to daylight savings time this weekend. The robins are even already back and staking out territory for their annual mating rituals. All this points to the oncoming approach of the Spring/Summer music fest season.
It's nearing the time for the tribe to gather, renew old friendships, begin new ones and the time to celebrate the joy and kinship of music. Time to dance and twirl. Time to be rained on yet keep smiling. Time to help your neighbors get their cook fires started and dive into a burrito. Time to renew your hope for humankind thru art and music.
Here's a few Midwest shows to consider in order to release your inner hippie:
Sumer Camp...Three Sisters Park...Chillicothe, IL. May 25th-27th.
Moe, Umphreys Mcgee, Gov't Mule, Yonder Mountain, Cornbmeal, Primus, Keller
Williams and a whole lot more. http://www.summercampfestival.com/
All Good Music Festival...Thornville, Ohio...July 19th-22nd.
Allman Brothers, Phil and Friends, Bobby Weir & Bruce Hornsby with Branford Marsalis
Mickey Hart Band, Railroad Earth, Galactic, Trampled by Turtles, Flaming Lips to name
a few. http://www.allgoodfestival.com/
Dave Matthews Band at Alpine July 6th and 7th. Tickets on sale 3/9
Raiohead at the First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre June 10th. Tickets on sale 3/10
Phish at Alpine 6/30 and 7/1.....at Klipsch Music Center 6/28 and 6/29
Get your boho on. Road trip anyone????
Wild Roots
by: Wild Roots Geneva 7 Comments
It's nearing the time for the tribe to gather, renew old friendships, begin new ones and the time to celebrate the joy and kinship of music. Time to dance and twirl. Time to be rained on yet keep smiling. Time to help your neighbors get their cook fires started and dive into a burrito. Time to renew your hope for humankind thru art and music.
Here's a few Midwest shows to consider in order to release your inner hippie:
Sumer Camp...Three Sisters Park...Chillicothe, IL. May 25th-27th.
Moe, Umphreys Mcgee, Gov't Mule, Yonder Mountain, Cornbmeal, Primus, Keller
Williams and a whole lot more. http://www.summercampfestival.com/
All Good Music Festival...Thornville, Ohio...July 19th-22nd.
Allman Brothers, Phil and Friends, Bobby Weir & Bruce Hornsby with Branford Marsalis
Mickey Hart Band, Railroad Earth, Galactic, Trampled by Turtles, Flaming Lips to name
a few. http://www.allgoodfestival.com/
Dave Matthews Band at Alpine July 6th and 7th. Tickets on sale 3/9
Raiohead at the First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre June 10th. Tickets on sale 3/10
Phish at Alpine 6/30 and 7/1.....at Klipsch Music Center 6/28 and 6/29
Get your boho on. Road trip anyone????
Wild Roots
by: Wild Roots Geneva 7 Comments

Wednesday, February 29, 2012